Tuesday, June 3, 2008

She Quilts!

For a recent baby shower, I decided to make a baby quilt. I used two panels so I didn't have to piece the top (cheater, I know!) Lilly (the mom-to-be) grew up with a giant Atlas on the wall of her bedroom, so I knew she would like the world panel. The other side was just fun little animals - including a cute sheep!
I machine quilted this myself, using the grid lines on the backside as a guide. I did not sew the binding on - I had my cousin do that for me. After watching how she does it, I'm much more confident in my binding skills - it's pretty easy!!
Lilly loved the quilt and I'm proud to have made something really functional that will stand up to any wear and tear a baby gives it! I want it to be loved and falling apart one day, not stuffed into a closet for later!